Thursday, December 15, 2016

Tis' the Season

Fuck football.
I can watch men in tight pants having a pissing contest anywhere.
The president-elect is a traitor to the US,
but the racists and rich won't admit it.

Screw Hockey.
I'd rather go to the dentist and get a root canal.
The Russians are getting there puppet in the white house without firing a shot.
But the democratic train keeps chugging as engine room catches fire.

To hell with Christmas.
Haven't you figured out that it's all a terrible lie yet?
The marginally disenfranchised are scared for their lives. 
I wonder when they will show up and burn my books like a Yule log.

Damn 2016.
It took too many good and brought out the worst in the rest.
Syrian children sing for a god that does not exist as hanger doors open.


There isn't enough ink and paper in the world. 
There isn't enough poetry in the world.
There isn't enough common sense in the world.
There isn't enough equality in the world. 
There isn't enough LOVE in the world.

The veil of ignorance is too long. 
To dark.
To far-reaching. 
It covers our purple mountains.
Our amber fields.
And our spacious skies. 

There's too much hate.
There's too much divide.
There's too much fear.
There aren't enough heroes.
They are too distracted by their television sets.
They are too busy wrapping presents for spoiled, fat children.

Everything is ass-backwards.
Was it always this bad?

I've written my poem.
Are they on their way now?