Hey all, just an FYI...
When you buy from indie publishers, like Red Dashboard, Jeff Bezos doesn't get 60% of the profits from MY art and RD's hard work. Put the money in the pockets of the artists. Not the corporations, which are run by men who FAIL at the creative process.
And, while we are on the subject, I know that many of you have reached out and asked where your books were after you ordered them. "Blessed are the Snakes" was finalized on Friday (9/21), so most of you bought it during it's "pre-sale" stage (which I elaborated upon in a previous social media post). It will get to you this week. Thanks again for your patience.
Lasty, regardless of where you purchased the book, thanks for taking the time to read, review, and critique. Your support makes my art better and gives me another reason to keep doing it. I mean...I wrote three books in a year and a half. And I loved every minute of it. You're all a big part of that.