Even though he makes comments about women and their looks
and insults them if they don't meet his definition of beauty.
You're voting for him.
He mocks the disability
of a journalist
who won the New York Times
a Pulitzer Prize.
But you're gonna punch his ticket.
He jokes about the Purple Heart,
and defines his own war heroes,
even though he's never served.
But his name is still on the ballot.
He tells African Americans
that they've never had it worse
(ignoring Jim Crow and slavery).
And tells Mexicans
and Muslims
that they are unwanted.
That they are terrorists
and criminals.
But you're gonna give him your vote.
He has no plans.
But he wants to wall off the free world.
And he has no policies,
except for climbing into Putin's back pocket.
But you're going to have him represent us in front
of the UN and NATO.
His catchphrase is "You're fired."
So you're going to hand him nuclear weapons
and access to the Pentagon.
He's bankrupt.
And the only things he's managed to run
were marriages
and businesses
and poor lives
into the ground
for his own gain.
He's lived spoiled
and oblivious
for 70 years.
And got his start from daddy's
gift of millions.
But you're going to give him the keys
to the mint
while you struggle to make rent
and keep your kids fed.
He is a fascist.
He's what Woody Guthrie sang against
and the artist has painted
and written against
in order to--peacefully--
scream in the face of the public
in an attempt to wake them up.
Let. Reason. In.
Turn off Fox news.
Read the news reports from other countries.
Think critically.
Ask questions.
Demand evidence.
There is a reason
why scientists,
and activists
do not embrace him.
There is a reason
why people who keep us moving forward
do not side with him.
Do not help him hold us back.
Do not let him win.
He is our tangerine Hitler.
Our orange Stalin.
He is a failure in wolf's clothing
and red power tie.
He is the GOP's
Frankenstein's monster.
And we are about
to be
the windmill.
Do not let him win.
He is our tangerine Hitler.
Our orange Stalin.
He is a failure in wolf's clothing
and red power tie.
He is the GOP's
Frankenstein's monster.
And we are about
to be
the windmill.
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